Tag: Entrepreneur

  • Susan Cain: Or When An Introvert Roared And Silenced The World

    What do you think it would take for you to be a business leader, or start a movement, or even a revolution? Would you, like most of us, say ” Ah, no way I could. I need to be more articulate,  bolder,  smarter[insert your perceived inadequacy]”? Enter Susan Cain, the woman who redefined what it…

  • When Your Heroes Become Your Critics: Elon Musk’s Story

    There’s a saying, “Never meet your heroes“. Because they might disappoint. That’s exactly what happened to Elon Musk. He grew up idolising astronauts, who ignited his dream of space travel. But when he pursued his ambitions, those same heroes vehemently opposed him.  This shook Musk, who, contrary to his outward appearance, does care about the…

  • Stop judging yourself! Embrace your many passions!

    I don’t know about you, but I could never bring myself to “niche down.” I understand the need for such a concept  but the idea of specialising in just one thing, of being confined to a single, neatly wrapped category, feels utterly suffocating, akin to dying. Yes, I know. A bit dramatic.  That’s why stumbling…